Face-to-face kick off meeting al the hotel with your revenue manager systems, processes, automation, and the general advancement of industry-leading tools, but at its core it remains the same.
Potential analysis and strategic positioning
Review and update tools, systems and processes
Forecasting and Budgeting
Writing a rooms revenue budget.
Rooms revenue forecast per day and segment. current +3 months
Forecast Dashboard with comments on performance
Pricing and Yield Management
Active yield management of segments, rates, room types and entire hotel
Continuous optimization of segmentation strategy
Corporate and tour operator pricing and availability strategy
Competitor and market share analysis
Price and Yield System changes done in the systems
Regular promotional planning for all distribution platformsl
Optimization of direct book,ngs and distribution costs
Maintenance of content. rate codes and policies on platforms
Communication and contracting of distribution partners from network
Tools and Revenue Management Technology
Manage of PMS (Property Management System)
Audit PMS o any other system
lmplementation and full utilisation of Profit lntelligence
Buil a specific dashboard por each partner in a company